I’m Back!

My last post dated back to 2012 – that’s totally like decades in blogging years.  Well…life gets in the way, and Instagram is honestly a much faster way to share my life…but it’s the new year, and I intend to be better about being on here.  With that said, I will still try to share all the fun things I’ve experienced in the past 2+ years because we just can’t let all of those fun times go to waste!

First up – I’m not even a SoCal girl anymore.  Life went on with many changes since my last post, and the wind blew me up to the Bay so now I am legitimately an SF “city” girl.  As everyone knows, city living is tough with tiny apartment space, and a style-lover like me was definitely having a hard time coping with the space issue.  But I’m a lucky girl.  E lets me have a whole room to myself for my closet space…YAY!  Here’s a little glimpse into my space.


And while decorating this space, I acquired a new hobby – trash-picking!  People in the city throw away GOOD furniture regularly, and they may not be in the best shape, but they do have potential.  My room is lacking a good chair so when I walked by this old wing back chair on my way to work one morning, I knew I’ve found something amazing…


Having the awesomest husband, one call to E, and he came to collect the chair and walked 4 blocks up SF hills to take this home.  A quick  trip to the fabric store , and twenty or so calls to find a perfect upholster from Oakland (waaaaay cheaper than having it done in the city plus free delivery and GREAT quality work – highly recommended), I have a beautiful, one-of-a-kind chair.  Did I mention I have a minor obsession with stripes?  That’s another post on its own.


Now I’m always on the look out for furniture left outside on the street because you never know what other treasure is waiting to be discovered.

So with this space (and this new city life…and a new hobby), my style has definitely evolves, and I cannot wait to share more later!  Stay tuned.