…I have this weird obsession with neon.  Could it be because I was born in the 80’s?  I just love a splash of it here and there (or a whole lot of it…doesn’t matter really).  It just adds an unexpected touch of edginess to the whole ensemble.

My pick for neon?  It’s actually an item I’ve blogged about before, and I’m still loving it.  Illamasqua Neon Nail Varnish in Rare.  Perfect for easing yourself into this neon thing…

…or start off with a simple pair of sandals with a hint of neon like these from Forever 21.  At $7.50 a pair…it’s a fashion risk worth taking.

…and when you ready…I highly recommend this…


Images: 1-3, The Glitter Guide, 4. Source unknown, 5. Adventures of Styles, 5.  Patterson Maker


…so according to Harper’s Bazaar What to Buy March 2012 issue – envelope clutches are all the rage this season.  These oversized clutches are just large enough for day but still cool enough for evening.  What’s not to love?

My current obsession…classic YvesSaintLaurent.  Thanks to E, who listened to me whine incessantly about how badly I wanted one after my friend bought a cool gray one for herself.  Wish granted on Day.  Thank you, best husband in the world :-).

Images 1. Stylein, 2. The Real Me, 3. Street Peeper, 4. C’est si bon, 5 and 6, mine via Instagram


I’m dedicating this week to blog about all things I’m currently obsessing with right now…and hopefully, these items will also transition beautifully into the Spring.  First off…anything fuschia.

Let’s be honest…when is pink ever not in fashion?  As Elle Woods once wisely said, “whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed.”  Well said, Elle.

My pick for pink…these B for Brian Atwood suede pumps.  Amazing, right?  If you could remember a few posts back, I was obsessing about these before X’Mas.  I guess Santa was listening and wish granted on X’Mas day :-).  My poor neighbors were probably thinking someone got hurt judging by the sound of my scream when I opened the box.  E, which from now on will be referred to as the best husband in the world, searched every store in the nation scouring for my exact size as apparently these were sold out everywhere during X’mas.  Luckily, someone returned my exact size while he was at the store.  I’m in love…

Images: 1 and 2. Yellow Weaver, 3. The Glitter Guide, 4.  I Dream of Shoes, 5 and 6. My own