…it’s finally the Bachelorette Party weekend for my friend, Eileen.  We’ve been looking forward to this for a while, and I’m just so excited!  It’s another ordinary weekend that’s about to become very extraordinary.  Can’t wait!

Our theme for the weekend is SEQUINS!  If you read my blog, you’ll know that I’m insanely obsessed with anything that sparkles so this is totally right up my alley!  My problem of picking out what to wear is not because I don’t have anything sequins but because (obviously) I have too many things sequins!  Although, I still would love to add this dress to my sequins collection…

There will definitely be lots and lots of bubbles flowing this weekend (and may be some fancy hats/fascinators Royal Wedding-style).  Soooooooo looking forward to it!


Image:  1. Patterson Maker, 2. Bits of Beauty, 3. Note to Self

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