…since I’m obsessed with weddings in general (obvs), of course, I have to be excited about the Royal Wedding!  It’s not so much that I am fascinated with the “Royal” part, but I’m more drawn to the “Wedding” part of this whole event.

People asked why am I so excited?  Are you kidding?  Why wouldn’t I be?  Aside from the fact that it’s ALWAYS AWESOME to see people who are in love getting married, I’m also super excited to see THE DRESS and THE WEDDING itself.  This is where ALL THINGS FASHIONABLE and ALL THINGS WEDDING collide in one place.  Um, hello???  Have you been reading my blog?  Those are pretty much the only 2 things I care about in life so yes, I’ll be watching tonight!  All of my DVRs are set (yes, I have more than one) in case I fall asleep before the big moment (because I have a job that requires me to be present the next day – bummer).

So if you are not excited, that’s ok.  Let the people who are excited be.  It’s a once-a-in-a-lifetime-real-life-fairy-tale – so let a girl be.  Thank you.

Cheers to the Happy Couple~

Image:  1,2.  Everything Fabulous, 2. Mario Testino via The Official Royal Wedding Site

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