…I generally love graphic prints because of its simplicity, but lately I’ve been drawn to Chevron print because it is more interesting than plain stripes.

I especially heart gray Chevron because gray is my all-time favorite color so imagine my excitement when I found this rug!

And guess what…it’s D-I-Y!  I found this over at photographer Hayley Anderson’s blog.  She made this herself by painting a plain white rug with latex paint.  I really must try this.

You’ll need:

White/Beige Flat Woven Rug from IKEA

Green Painter Tap for Hard to Stick Surfaces

Latex Paint/Brush

Start with a plain flat woven rug

First – you’ll have to tape the Chevron pattern on the rug

Then just paint away…

This also makes me think – you’re not limited to just Chevron stripes.  Whatever design you can create with those painter’s tape, you can have whatever rug design you want.  Awesome.

Haley did 2 coats with this paint, and this is how her rug turned out…

Look at how clean the lines look.  No one will ever be able to tell that you didn’t buy the rug as is.


Images:  Hayley Anderson


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