
…to say it has been an eventful year is definitely an understatement…

I started my blog OMG I totally heart…on Tumblr to document my wedding planning journey and everything I love (shoes, shopping, and all things fashionable!).

but I’m now officially on WordPress only…

I found a new florist, introduced a new color (tangerine) to our wedding, and we moved ahead full speed with our wedding planning.

We finalized our wedding invitations (with the new color scheme)…

Went to Miami…

Hosted a huge BBQ at our place to celebrate E’s 35th Birthday…

Then there was my fabulous Bridal Shower…thanks to all my girls and my wonderful fiance then (husband now :-))

I quit my home-based, traveling 4 days a week job.  Started my a new job (actually it’s my old job before I moved to the desert).  Tried to catch up for the 2 years I’ve been gone…while trying to finish all the 100 DIY projects for the Wedding at the same time

Then I turned 30, and we celebrated LA style at the W Hollywood

…and as if that wasn’t enough partying for one year, we went to Las Vegas for my Bachelorette Party…

Just when I barely finished unpacking from Vegas, my family came from Thailand for our wedding.  My mom, my aunt, and my little sister (who’s waaaaay taller than me as you can see from the photo here) came.  This is especially exciting because at that point, I had not seen my mom and my aunt in about 4 years *tears*

…and then it was our Rehearsal Dinner…

…and finally…the most important day of my life.  10.10.10.  Our Wedding Day.

We then went on our honeymoon in Kauai and Maui

I then tried to magically make my Halloween costume happen in the couple of days that I had between getting back from my honeymoon and Halloween.  Miraculously, I did it…and the party was on.

Somehow, I managed to squeeze in another trip back to Palm Springs for my friend, Nora,’s Bachelorette Party

Don’t we look cute as Rainbow Girls?

Then December came around…and I had a holiday party to attend every weekend…

and with a blink of an eye…it’s Christmas

That was definitely a year to remember.  I am so grateful for all the people in my life that has made this year so memorable.  I’m looking forward to an even better 2011…but quite frankly, I’m not sure how anything could ever top all of my wonderful experience this year.

Happy New Year~


…has come and gone.  And it was wonderful.  I’m a couple of days late posting this.  I was trying to get all the pictures in order.  What is a better way to start a Christmas morning than with a little bit of hot cocoa and a lot of Caramel Baileys in my cute Jonathan Adler mug (wedding present…LOVE)?

For this Christmas – I am thankful because I was gifted with the best things I could ever ask for.  The best thing of all was spending time with the love of my life, E.  Christmas is one of the TWO days he is guaranteed to be off work in a year (the other one be the ever so obvious Thanksgiving day).

E did an amazing job with my presents!  He got me 2 things off my FOREVER WISH LIST…which he claimed to have actually bought them BEFORE I posted the blog.  Now that’s amazing because I didn’t really know what kind of camera I wanted, and I randomly picked the Sony one on my blog post just because it looks so sleek and cool…and he ordered me the exact same one!

Sadly, the package mysteriously disappeared from our front door 😦  The tracking shows that it was delivered to our door, but we never got the package.  It is under investigation right now with the shipper and the courier.  I hope it gets resolved soon so I can play with my new toy.

But all is well because he has another present waiting for me under the tree on X’Mas morning.  Just look at this super chic packaging.  How could anyone not be excited?  Bloomingdale’s did an amazing job with their wrapping.  I’m so impressed.  It was perfect in every way from the perfectly cut chic faux croc-embossed paper (how many adjectives can you possibly use to describe a piece of paper?) to the simple black grosgrain ribbon…

I’m smitten.

And what’s inside the pretty packaging is even better.  He got me the Sam Edelman’s studded sandals!  I thought I wanted the White Python one that I posted on my blog, but I love the Patent Black leather even more…and it’s the perfect size.  I’m so proud of him.  

After all those fabulousness, he also got me this weird looking bowl.  Hmmm…what? Yeah, my first thought exactly.  But he was so excited about it so I let him give me a spiel about the bowl.  It’s basically designed to keep your cereal from getting soggy.  I don’t eat much cereal, but when I do, I hate soggy cereal.  I’m one of those people who pours milk in a bowl and sprinkle the cereal on top of the milk so they stay crisp.  It’s so very thoughtful…and very guy-ish of him to buy something so practical…and he’s super excited about us having matching cereal bowls (yes, he bought TWO).  Now all we need is to go buy some cereal and milk and test out this awesome invention.

Speaking of awesome invention…I got this super awesome College Edition Snuggie from my gift exchange at work!  People make fun of the Snuggie all the time (me included), but it is pretty cool to have.  It’s one of those things that you would like to have but will never buy (may be that’s just me)…so I was pretty thrilled to have won this present.  It comes with the sweatshirt pockets so even your hands stay warm.  Awesome!

Right after Thanksgiving, I had to part with my Macbook for a few days because it had to be repaired.  The LCD screen cracked, and I was devastated.  I got the screen replaced (which cost a fortune since Apple Care does not cover accidental damage), and to prevent that from happening again…my thoughtful friend, Debi, got this laptop case for me.  I heart everything Marc by Marc Jacobs. 

Another wonderful present is the framed photos from my friend/Maid of Honor, Stacey.

We were invited to her company’s holidays party this year at the Pelican Hill resort in Newport Coast.  It is a super posh resort, and we had such a wonderful time.  We also got a chance to take formal photos, and she ordered them for all of us as Christmas presents!  Don’t we look lovely in the photos?  I heart my girls.  Oh, and that’s our friend, Paul.  I think he enjoyed having 4 ladies as his date to the party.

The girls also got me other little fun stuff…lanyard for a badge, water bottle for the gym, hair clips, and sticky notes.  

I know that I should grow out of Hello Kitty some day, but I don’t think I ever will.  I pray for a little girl one day so I can give her all of my HK stuff.  

I’m really looking forward to using these at work…

I can’t wait to see people’s faces when they see these stuck to some very official documents 🙂

This next one is a present from myself 🙂  I usually allow myself 1 handbag per year or so…if there’s one that I really want and can justify the need for purchasing.  I didn’t get a new handbag since I got engaged because I was saving up for our wedding.  I was really good about it for nearly 2 years…and now that the wedding is done with, I thought I would get myself a bag for work.  I haul so much stuff to work everyday for no apparent reason…I just do.  I love how roomy this LV Neverfull MM bag is.  I also found it to be super useful for shopping since I hate taking plastic bags or shopping bags (trying to save the world one shopping bag at a time).  I would end up just tossing all my purchases in it.  I LOVE IT!  

And lastly, this is not for me, but for us.  I had this custom-made by YourKeepsakeCo on Etsy.  We wanted to have a new ornament to add to our tree, and what’s better than one that will always remind us of our very first and very special Married Christmas.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  Cheers to the Holidays and all the wonderful people in your life~


…it’s our little tradition. Ever since I’ve been with E, he works every Christmas’ Eve. This is because he’s a chef, and everyone wants to eat out on Christmas’ Eve for some reason so he’s always, always working. So to pass time while I waited for him to get home, I started making Christmas’ Eve Dinner. Every year, I come up with a new menu. This year, I’m recycling one of my favorite recipes. Pot Pie. With the rain and the crisp, cold weather, it’s a perfect comfort food. And I’ve been craving pot pies lately.  I adapted this recipe from Jamie Oliver’s Turkey and Sweet Leek Pot Pie recipe.  I totally heart Jamie!  His food is so simple and rustic.  And if you have Cooking Channel, you’ll know that they have been airing this recipe on repeat for the past 3 weeks so I just have to try it.

Here are what you need for the Roast Chicken and Sweet Leek Pot Pie:

Bone-in Chicken Breast

Chicken Stock

All Purpose Flour

Unsalted Butter

Olive Oil


Green Peas


Kosher Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper


Thyme and Sage

Pre-made Puff Pastry

Here’s how to make the pie filling:

Clean chicken breast.  

Rub some olive oil on generously.  

Season with salt and pepper.

Roast at 350 F for about 30-40 minutes until cooked.  

The internal temp should be about 165 F for a fully cook chicken breast, but I let it stop at 155 F and turned off the heat.  It continued to cook a bit more.  As you can see in the picture, it cooked perfectly, and the meat is juicy.  Let cool.  Debone and cube the meat.

Prep the leeks.  Oops, forgot to take a photo of the leeks before I chopped them up.  If you have never seen leeks, here’s how they look like…

They basically look like giant scallions.  I chopped the leeks up and washed them really well because they hold dirt in between the layers.

In a hot, big cast iron pot, add chopped bacon along with olive oil and a nub of butter.  Add about a tablespoon of thyme.  Let them cook together until the bacon starts to brown.  At this point, you should start pre-heating the oven to about 375 or 400 F depending on the directions of the puff pastry brand you bought.

Add the leeks and stir for a few minutes to coat the leeks.  

Cover the pan with its lid and let the mixture cook on medium heat for about 30 minutes.  The moisture in the leeks will help cook them down.  Be sure to stir occasionally.  After 30 minutes, the leeks should be really soft and almost melt in your mouth.  

Add the cubed chicken meat and stir.  Add a heaping spoon of all purpose flour and stir it in to thicken the mixture.  Add the chicken stock.  I know the picture doesn’t look too savory, but trust me, it smells amazing and tastes great.

Then add a tablespoon of creme fraiche.  I used sour cream because I didn’t have creme fraiche, which was totally fine.  

Bring everything back up to a boil.  Strain the mixture over another pot to separate the gravy and dry out the mixture a bit.

While the mixture is draining, I chopped up a few pieces of sage leaves and sprinkled them on the puff pastry.  I then rolled out the puff pastry.  This step is not necessary, but the sage added a nice aroma to the plain puff pastry.  

Put the filling into individual bowls or in a big casserole dish.

Put of the puff pastry over the serving dish.  Brush with egg wash (1 beaten egg and a bit of water).  Sprinkled cracked pepper and kosher salt on top.  Cut a little on top to let air out when baking.

Bake until the puff pastry turn golden brown.

As you can see, my puff pastry shrank a bit on the little individual bowl 😦  Next time I will have to use more pastry to cover the entire top of the bowl.

I served it with a little bit of green peas.  I sauteed them really quick in a bit of butter, kosher salt, and cracked black pepper.  I added a squeeze of lemon after I turned of the heat.

And remember the gravy that I drained earlier?  I just pour a bit over the pot pie when served…and there you have it.  Roast Chicken and Sweet Leek Pot Pie.  

And since I have so much filling left over, I also made home-made hot pockets the next day…

I rolled out the puff pastry.  Sprinkled a bit of sage leaves over it.  Brush the side with egg wash.  Put a bit of the filling in the middle.

I also added the leftover green peas to the filling.

Fold the puff pastry and seal the edges.

Spray a bit of cooking spray on the bottom of the pan to prevent sticking.  I used foil to avoid having to wash the cookie sheet then I sprayed the cooking spray over it.

Brush egg wash on top, sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper, and cut a couple of small slits on top.

Bake at 400 F until golden brown.

I served it with a bit of the leftover gravy…

May be I’ll take some to work for lunch next week…and people can be jealous of my home-made pie.

Bon Appetit~


…with garlic and white wine.  Just randomly craved this one day.  Since I have 2 days off before Christmas with no other urgent matters to attend to, I thought I would channel my inner domestic goddess and give it a try.  I don’t have any recipe in particular to follow.  I had this dish a couple of times at a local Italian restaurant so I’m guessing my way through this, but it worked out quite well.  Here are what you need:

I didn’t have my personal photographer (E) with me when I was making this so sorry for the crappy photos.

Mushrooms (Button works well, but you can use any kind or a mix of whichever kind you want.)  I have Buttons, Oyster, and Japanese Shimeji.

1 bulb of shallot

a couple cloves of garlic



White Wine

Good Olive Oil


Red Pepper Flakes

Salt and Pepper

I started by prepping the mushrooms.  Don’t wash them.  They will hold the water and become soggy when you cook them.  Just wipe them clean then cut them all to about the same size.  

Mince the garlic and shallot.  

Heat up a pan.  Add a couple tablespoon of olive oil and about a tablespoon of butter to the hot pan.  Add the shallot.  Sautee until translucent.  

Add the mushrooms.  This is very important.  DO NOT STIR the mushrooms.  You want it to get a nice brown color so let it sit for a few minutes.  Also, DO NOT SALT the mushrooms as you do not want to draw out the water and make it soggy.  Add some fresh-cracked pepper.  

After the mushrooms gained some nice brown color, stir in garlic.  Season with salt.  Add a couple splashes of good white wine to deglaze the pan.  At this point the mushrooms should be really soft.  Add a pinch (or a lot) of red pepper flakes.  

Turn off the heat.  Add a splash of lemon and chopped parsley before serving.

I served this with grilled buttered bread and a side of baby arugula salad with just a bit of cracked black pepper and a splash of olive oil.  

For the leftover, I cooked up some spaghetti noodles.  Then I sauteed garlic, vine-ripened tomatoes, and arugula.  I added the spaghetti and topped everything off with the leftover sauteed mushrooms.  



…here is my Forever Wish List.  It’s called “FOREVER” because it’s not just for X’Mas.  And it’s ok if Santa didn’t quite deliver.  I’m not worried because I plan to check a few things off the list myself at the After X’Mas Sale 🙂 

Balenciaga Milky Way Ligne A4 Papier.  Need I say more.  Just look at that leather!  I die.

YSL Tribute Pumps.  So practical.  Always in need of a pair of fabulous patent black pumps.

Upgrade to iPhone 4…in WHITE.  I know it’s impossible because it’s not in store yet, but I still want to put it on my Wish List…

Sam Edelman Exie Studded Sandals for Spring/Summer 2011.  Totally rockin’.

Burberry Studded Cube Bracelet.  Just because I love bracelets.

A classic Chanel bag will always be on my Wish List.

Michael Kors chunky gold watch 

LV Monogram Sac Plat for work

Marc by Marc Jacobs stud earrings…also for work.

Burberry Classic Trench.  Perfect for somewhat chilly SoCal winter nights.

A new pair of Nike Plus running shoes.  For my 10K Saturdays.  I’ve been slacking since the wedding, but I miss running.

And since it’s been raining a whole lot lately, a new Burberry Compact Umbrella

May be a new Point & Shoot for me to tote around to parties

And this one is totally random, but since I never have time to fix my broken fog light…it would extra nice to wake up one morning to find a fixed fog light on my X5…

and while we’re at it…may be a set of new 22” flat black rims, too?

Merry X’Mas to me~


…it’s what we called our photobooth!  My friend/Maid of Honor, Stacey, hosts a fabulous holiday party every year.  And this year, we have been so obsessed with photobooths (at the county fair, at our local bar, at my wedding, at her company’s holiday party, and everywhere in between that has a photobooth) that we decided to have one at her party.  It’s really simple actually.  We found a good spot to take photos, then I set up my MacBook which has the Photobooth app, and we provided props.  Voila.  Homemade photobooth is done.  You can get creative and hang fabric as your background, but we wanted to keep it simple since the main goal is to enjoy the party and have people take crazy photos, we didn’t want to spend too much time setting up.  It turned out awesome.  Check out some of the fun photos.  I love how we went from tame, smiley photos to progressive crazier and random as the night went on…

If you are in these photos and want to see the rest of the them or download a copy, please go to my MobileMe gallery to download your photos.  Please email me to get the log-in and password.

Awesome party.  Good times.  Let’s do it again next year!