…so I really, really didn’t want to add another place to our registry since we are already registered at, like, 15 different places.  Ok, well, no, more like 4.  Nonetheless, I’d rather be registered all in one place, but the items that we want/need are from many different stores.  I think it is acceptable to register at a couple of places because it would be more convenient for your guests in case they are not able to order from a particular store for whatever reason.  This way they have options.   We are pretty much almost done with the registry (at 4 stores) when I get this email from Bloomingdale’s regarding their Bridal Registry.  If you registered with Bloomingdale’s for more than $3000 worth of gifts, you will receive a free gift from Juliska.  It’s a set of ceramic ring holder trays.

How pretty are they???  And here’s how my ring will be resting in it…

I’m so excited I finally have a proper place to hold my ring when I’m in the shower!

No doubt I totally wanted the [FREE] cute ring holders so I gave in and signed up to register there for a few more items.  We didn’t register for any fine china yet (because we didn’t see the need for them at this point in our lives) so I figured we can register for them at Bloomie’s because they do have great selections of fine china.  Since we were not planning to register at Bloomie’s to begin with AND if no one bought us any fine china, I think we would survive not getting any gift from this registry.  All I really wanted was the [FREE] ring holders anyways 😛  

Check out what I’ve found there though.  Delicious-ness.

I am totally head over heels for these Missoni Margherita dinnerware.   Are they the chic-est plates you’ve ever laid eyes on or what?  Talk about being the hip hostess all the way!

Clearly, I had to register for them.  And all of these below…

I also registered for this exquisite Kate Spade Larabee Road place setting.  Polka dots…hello???  How could I not?  Totally heart everything polka dots.  Such a great contrast to the uber trendy Missoni Margherita set.

These below I did not register for…trust me, I wish I could.  I just have to share them since they are so fabulous.

This is the Missoni “Tropical” Dinner Plate…

Missoni Bianco Nero

And here’s the Kate Spade Laurel Canyon – I have a matching Kate Space make-up bag to these plates!  

Who knew fine china could be so fabulous?  I’m so enjoying this.

They even have an online tool to guide you on how to mix and “(un)match” your settings.  You definitely have to check this out…

For a new wife-to-be learning how to be the next Ina Garten, this is a great tool. 

While we were there, E, being restless as usual, wandered around and found this bridal registry guide book.

OMG, this book is so awesome! For once, I don’t want to trash some random papers he always seems to be picking up everywhere we go.  It not only guides you on what to register for, it basically gives you tips on how to be the savviest hostess of all!  It teaches you about proper plate settings, different types of wine glasses, what kind of basic kitchen gadgets you should have, and anything and everything that is essential for at-home entertaining.  It even has recipes!  You could shame Martha Stewart.  I totally heart this little guide.

They even have the “Thank You Card Manager,” which keeps track of which guest bought what gift(s) for you.  I wish I had registered here from the beginning!

So if you are looking to register, stop by Bloomie’s and check out their registry. Your guests may not even buy you anything from there, but you will still end up with 10% off everything you registered for anyways.   And those adorable [FREE] ring holders…worth an hour of your day.  Trust me.

Happy Registering~

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